Day two...

Day two found us waking up much more refreshed and much less achy than we anticipated being. I'm not certain if I felt really, really good this year or if it was the fact that I felt really, really crappy last year, in retrospect. Whatever the case, it was a new day, and we headed off to see the world.
Day two took us through our very own 'hood most of the day. We were continually impressed by the outpouring of support from the community... the amazing people at the cheering stations...the impromptu cheering stations that surfaced...
Between Steph and Michelle, and the Spitza family, not to mention the kindness of strangers along the way, we were feeling pretty loved. It's a good thing, too... Day Two is always the longest day. Yet again, full of laughter - of stories - of memories being made - of preparing to speak that night...

I was ready. We had perfected my speech, and I was ready. By the time we did one last run-through, it was under control. Still, the small matter of not only speaking in front of 2000 people, but managing to keep it together without bursting into a weepy mess of tears still loomed large.

Somehow we managed to not only get through it, but be truly amazing. I'm still surprised that I didn't fall apart during Greg's intro, but somehow I made it - somehow we both did - and the celebrity that followed the rest of that night and the next day, I wasn't quite prepared for.