One step at a time

I left work yesterday and told my boss, "I'm off to conquer the world - one step at a time..."

I only have a few minutes before leaving for treatment #2 and the visit with Dr. Cavalcant. Then we're headed off to the great beyond... Mount Whitney.

Good Lord willing and the creek don't rise (whatever the hell that really means...) we'll be headed up that peak on Friday morning. I'm feeling great - we had a good run this morning - one of the shorter ones, about 5.35 miles, but I felt strong. Strong is good. Strong is confident. Strong is what I need to conquer the world.

Strong is what I need to sail through the next treatment and keep on going...

I'm going to do what I can, as much as I can without feeling nervous that I shouldn't be pushing myself more. I've made that promise, and I'm going to keep it. Hopefully I'll be taking my own picture of this sometime on Friday. If not, the mountain will always be there to come back to.

I've taken too much time, as usual, and the chemo bus is leaving... I look forward to telling stories from the other side...


    On August 8, 2007 at 9:25 AM Anonymous said...

    i will be thinking of you as you do treatment today (haa-- is the chemo bus similar to my cancer car?? :) ) and wishing you strength to the top on Friday. I love you tons!!!!