Matters of the heart

Valentine's Day is supposed to be about matters of the heart. Never mind that I find it to be mostly a Hallmark holiday manufactured for who knows what reason. Me? I prefer to give olives and enjoy sushi on any given Thursday. So it goes.

In any case, I find it slightly ironic that on the day that is supposed to concern matters of the heart I received the results of my MUGA scan. Turns out that my LVEF (Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction) is well above normal.

What does this mean? My heart is strong and full of hope and I can continue to ride the wave of non-toxicity (Herceptin) without immediate fear of congestive heart failure.

Today? I have no hat on.


    On February 18, 2008 at 6:13 PM Anonymous said...

    Gotta love a heart that not only can pass a MUGA scan but also frowns upon going into congestive heart failure....

    You continue to inspire me Jen, to do push BE better.

    I love ya!!! SLURP