Staffords for the Cure...

Each year when we start fundraising for the 3-Day, I continue to be amazed at the kindness of strangers. No, the fundraising hasn't started yet (although that time will come soon enough) and this time, this isn't about me. Sort of.

One of my closest friends, Jill, and her daughter Lily did the Sacramento Race for the Cure in 2006. Lily was just 6 then, and she wanted to win. Jill explained to Lily that it wasn't really THAT kind of a race, but Lily was determined to do it anyhow. And they did.

That was before I started my second tour of duty.

This year, Jill's has said that the walk has become a lot more personal for her because of my experience this time around. She's recruited the whole family to walk this year with her, as well as some members of the art group she's been working with.

That being said, this is my shameless plug to help them reach their donation goal.

Vox Sacramento Race for the Cure Team!

Know what, Lily? I'm going to win, too.


    Thank you Voo!!!

    On February 27, 2008 at 7:37 PM Anonymous said...

    Yes, you are!...A TKO...